Belonging Books : Black History Month Edition + A Spice Rack Hack

Spice Rack Hack

Something I do that has absolutely changed our home this year is these spice rack hack book shelves. They are cheap spice racks (they have them at IKEA but we got ours off Amazon) that we attached down low in the living room, where our kids can reach them easily. They also allow the books to be displayed facing front, making it easier for kids to peruse and choose. The well-known tag line “out of sight, out of mind” is 1000 percent true and this spice rack shelf is helping us do the opposite of that. These books are now in sight and in mind. 🙂

Another one of the beautiful things about these spice rack shelves is that I can curate them to fit whatever unit, interest, or current event is happening at any given time. Sometimes, these shelves are all about birds. The next week, they might be all about folk tales. In January, we had a book up there about presidents, as the inauguration took the spotlight. Our kids totally hear what we’re talking about, so we might as well begin the learning process of what all this is about! 

Black History Month

This month, we have the profound privilege of making Black History the front and center conversation. A really natural way of doing this is to put books out that have to do with Black History. I am certainly no expert, and I absolutely know that there are many people much more qualified than myself to address this topic, but I did want to share some great Belonging Books that have been gracing our shelves the past few weeks. I like to keep books about history from many perspectives in our rotation all year, but this month is a great way to dive a little deeper into Black History in particular. 

A Belonging Book (to me), is a book that speaks to the heart of the global learner. The global citizen who seeks to understand the world around them, no matter where they are “from”. 

1. The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson
2. Of Thee I Sing : A Letter to my Daughters by Barack Obama and Loren Long
3. Ellington Was Not a Street by Ntozake Shange and Kadir Nelson
4. Heart and Soul : The Story of America and African Americans by Kadir Nelson (this book is for a bit older age group but the content and illustrations are just so rich.)

Can you tell we are all in with Kadir Nelson right now? His illustrations are vibrant, vivid, and so deeply beautiful. 

I Don’t Want You to Miss Out!

Would you like to join a Free Virtual Art Party? It’s this Friday, so time is running out to sign up!
We’re going to be doing some games, a creative project, and a giveaway for an Amazon gift card! If you’re into any of the above, come join us! Simply sign up below for The Culture Canvas newsletter, and I’ll send you all the details! Can’t wait to pARTy with you! 🙂


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